
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

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TikTok to allow EU users to switch off personalization

August 15, 2023
TikTok has retooled to comply with the EU Digital Services Act (DSA), enabling EU users to switch off the personalization algorithm behind its For You videos and Live feeds. Those users who opt out will have access to content but it will not be targeted based on their data. The company is also changing their ad policy for EU users between the ages of 13 and 17 to disallow targeted advertising. Expectations are that this will be in effect before the end-of-August compliance deadline.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

Zoom backpedals on AI data use

August 15, 2023
When Zoom recently tried to quietly change its Terms of Service to allow use of user data to train AI, without allowing consumers an opt-out, there was swift pushback on social media including a post on X (formerly Twitter) that had more than 2 million views. Now, Zoom has retrenched saying it won’t use video call information to train its AI models or that of third parties. Big Tech is under growing pressure over excesses with AI use, including the recent lawsuit against OpenAI, which was accused of training ChatGPT... Read More >
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

IT’S THE LAW (08/15/2023)

August 15, 2023
Illinois has just passed The Civil Liability for Doxing Act, which will go into effect in 2024. It protects Illinois citizens and makes it possible to sue for doxxing (also spelled doxing), which is the unauthorized release of personal information to harm, threaten or embarrass someone. Similar laws exist in Maryland, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, and there is an effort underway to try to get a US federal law. The Illinois law is unusual in that it imposes civil liability on perpetrators, adding a layer of financial accountability others don’t... Read More >
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

Children’s Privacy: Genealogy data scare in Scotland as information of thousands of adoptees found available on Scottish site

August 15, 2023
The Scotland’s People genealogy website, which is run by the government, made available adoption records including children’s original and new surnames on records going back more than 100 years. The mother of an adoptee who found her child’s information on the site, described it as every adoptive parent’s worst nightmare. The National Records of Scotland (NRS), which runs the website is exploring measures to safeguard the data, and claims there was no security breach.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

New, fantastic, privacy assured WorldCoin cryptocurrency

August 8, 2023
Scan your eyeball, secure your identity everywhere in one easy step. Too good to be true? Well, WorldCoin, courtesy of Sam Altman, who gave us OpenAI and ChatGPT, may best be approached with caution and some skepticism. While 2 million users have forged ahead to be in his “real human database,” to prove via an eye-scan they are in fact individual people not bots or digital impersonators; an incident in Kenya may give pause. That's because police there confiscated WorldCoin data over concern about the company.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter