
CDP NP6 Bought by Chapsvision

Why buy a CDP when you can buy a CDP company, asked no one ever.  Or maybe it happened at Paris-based business solution vendor Chapsvision, which just bought Bordeaux-based CDP NP6.  It’s Chapsvision’s fourth acquisition since 2019 as they build out their product suite.

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Two-Thirds of Retailers Planning to Build Their Next CDP: Treasure Data Report

January 21, 2021

Does it seem odd that this Treasure Data report found literally 99% of $1 billion-plus retailers have either installed a CDP (40%) or plan to (59%)?  The data makes a bit more sense when you see two-thirds (67%) of those planning add a CDP expected to build, not buy.  That suggests they’re defining a CDP as any type of central customer database.  Download for more on customer data use.

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Zeta Global to Buy LiveIntent for $250 Million

October 9, 2024

CDP and marketing cloud vendor Zeta Global announced an agreement to purchase LiveIntent, which helps companies do email-based advertising.  The deal will let Zeta expand its identity graph, enter the publisher monetization business, and accelerate its mobile and retail media products.  Zeta will pay $77.5 million in cash and $172.5 million in common stock, with potential for additional payments based on performance.

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