
GDPR Poses Threat to Data Management Platforms: DigiDay Article

But businesses need to prepare for GDPR regardless of how consumers eventually react. This piece in DigiDay says Data Management Platforms in particular will need massive changes, ultimately shifting from anonymous third party data to identified first party data. That will land them squarely in Customer Data Platform territory, he noted with a smirk.

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Main AI Uses Are Analytics, Customer Experience, and Process Automation: TechEmergence Conference

January 9, 2018

It’s easy for marketers to see marketing as the center of everything. Today let’s look at some other perspectives. We’ll start with this survey of attendees at a recent TechEmergence conference on applied artificial intelligence. Most were business founders and technical employees. When asked about current and future use of AI, they ranked marketingbehind analytics, customer experience, and process automation. It did beat cybersecurity, human resources, finance, robotics, and vehicles.

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Datonics Audience Data Marketplace Extended to Neustar Data Directory

January 5, 2018

If you want a trend outside of CDPs, try “data marketplace”. We’ve recently seen them from Sonobi, Kochava, Narrative I/O, and IOTA Foundation. Most aggregate individual-level data from multiple sources to build online advertising audiences. This gives marketers alternatives to the data that Facebook, Amazon, Google and others hoard inside their walled gardens. Datonics is another player in the space. They just announced their data will be available in Neustar’s Identity Data Management Platform.

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