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Whether Facebook flicks off the anti-trust remains to be seen, but in the meantime it continues to expand its products. The latest addition is a shopping feature in WhatsApp, which will let users select items from a merchant’s catalog and send the order via WhatsApp message. Order processing and payments will be handled outside of WhatsApp.

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CDPs Deliver Value But Could Be Better: Twilio Segment Research

December 11, 2020

Eighty percent of CDP users say their system has helped to meet customer expectations, according to this Forrester study for Twilio Segment. But they want more: just 31% said they were satisfied with their current solution and 65% expect to increase investment in data tools. The biggest gaps relate to activation: using automation to unify customer touchpoints and applying real-time insights to customer interactions.

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European Commission Issues Guidelines for Search Ranking Transparency

December 9, 2020

Speaking of trust, European regulators don’t trust tech giants to treat their competitors fairly. Nor does anyone else, but the EU is doing something about it. Their latest step is a set of guidelines for documenting how search ranking algorithms work. The guidelines aren’t legally binding but they offer strong hints for how the EU wants the platforms to comply with the Platform-to-Business Regulation (P2B), which is.

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Salesforce Launches Industry-Specific AI Capabilities

September 10, 2024

Salesforce’s Dreamforce mega-conference is next week and the company’s publicity elves are already working overtime.  In the first of what are sure to be daily announcements this week, the company announced 100+ industry-specific prompts, data models, and AI capabilities across its fifteen industry clouds.  It also launched an AI Use Case Library to house its industry-specific AI offerings.

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