Expert Tips for Getting Buy-In on Your CDP and Staffing Your Dream Team July 10, 2021 Hear expert tips from consulting firm Credera on how to get buy-in from C-level stakeholders and staff a strong CDP team.
What Is a CDP? And What Isn’t a CDP? Customer Data Platforms, Explained April 13, 2021 In this ebook, BlueConic explores the core capabilities of a pure-play CDP and how they differ from other, seemingly similar technologies.
RealCDP: Customer Data Platform Certification Program April 13, 2021 The popularity of CDPs has led to confusion as many vendors with similar systems seek to take advantage of buyer interest. The CDP Institute provides RealCDP, a simple checklist of what makes a system a CDP.
Let’s Look at the Data: Recent Surveys on Marketing Technology April 13, 2021 Do consumers really want personalization? Should marketers be in charge of customer data? Learn what the surveys say.
Why Account-Based Marketing Needs a Customer Data Platform April 13, 2021 ABM and CDP are BFFs, OK? Don’t drown in the alphabet soup. Read Why Account-Based Marketing Needs a Customer Data Platform from the CDP Institute and Lattice Engines to understand the challenges marketers face with ABM and how a CDP can help.
Customer Data Platform Frequently Asked Questions April 13, 2021 Straight answers to questions including: how CDPs differ from DMPs, data lakes, and other types of systems; what’s involved in implementing and operating a CDP; and how CDPs integrate with marketing execution systems.
Glossary of CDP Related Terms April 13, 2021 Are the terms in the CDP industry confusing you? This CDPI glossary is here to help.
Field Guide to Customer Data Platforms April 13, 2021 Struggling to tell Customer Data Platform vendors apart? Optimove’s Field Guide to CDPs describes the major types of CDP vendors, identifying features for each, and how to pick the one that’s right for you.