
Apple gets small (for them) fine from CNIL

While €8 million would be a big fine for most companies, it’s small potatoes for Apple. However, France’s data protection authority CNIL just levied that fine against Apple as a reminder that keeping one’s promises is important. In this case, Apple, which claims to pay close attention to keeping user data private, in fact was found to handle user data carelessly by collecting iPhone user data for targeted ads without obtaining consent.

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Children’s Privacy: Kids’ school app privacy – almost non-existent, according to Internet Safety Labs

January 10, 2023

Virtually all those helpful apps that make kids’ and parents’ lives easier after school – for homework, study skills, virtual classrooms, connecting with teachers, and the school community – are helping themselves to your family’s data, thank you very much! A recent survey of edtech apps in US schools from Internet Safety Labs, which conducts software product safety testing, found 96% of school apps were sharing data with 3rd parties and especially with Google (68%), which dominates the edtech space as a supplier of both hardware and software.

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