Vendor Selection Knowledge Hub
Learn how to sift through the dozens of CDP options to find the vendors who best fit your needs, and then to select which vendor you’ll work with. This section includes access to the CDP Institute’s unique information on industry vendors as well as tools and papers to build an RFP and run an effective selection process.
Take the Course
CDP Institute’s Evaluating Vendors course teaches how to select the right vendor for your company. Take this free course to learn how to run effective demonstration sessions, build scenarios and RFPs, and manage program risks.
Use the Tool
CDP Institute’s RFP Generator identifies the CDP features needed to execute your chosen use cases. It converts this information into a draft RFP that you can further edit and then share with vendors during the selection process.
Read the Papers
Access our library of papers on vendor selection and RFP creation. Use these to develop your own list of questions to ask each vendor during the selection process.