
Children’s Privacy: Private equity firm now has data on tens of millions of US kids – for predictive analytics use

Vista Equity Partners has spent six years buying controlling shares of big-name ed software companies, including PowerSchool (45M names, including from Naviance), Ellucian (26M names) and EAB, which works with 2,500 educational institutions. Together they cover K-college level students’ data which can be parsed to predict likely success rates and risk factors; assess family wealth; and inform on religion, health, disciplinary actions, and grades. Parents and student privacy groups are voicing concerns about what is being done with all that data and exploring what options they have to engage via the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other means.

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Children’s Privacy: UK government to use kid’s safety as foil to sway public opinion against encryption

January 18, 2022

“Look, it’s Haley’s Comet!”…Britain’s PM Boris Johnson (who, it would seem should have enough COVID-party pr problems to not open this can of worms) has just hired the M&C Saatchi ad agency to launch a campaign to get the public to oppose end-to-end encryption following Facebook’s decision to encrypt its Messenger app. According to Rolling Stone, the planned media blitz is designed to make the public uneasy by claiming such encryption would diminish their ability to keep kids safe.

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