In Brief: Judge rules real-time bidding class-action against Google can proceed
If the claimants prevail, Google could be found in violation of California law and federal law.
If the claimants prevail, Google could be found in violation of California law and federal law.
The California Age-Appropriate Design Code bill, modeled on the UK’s AADC, and the state’s Social Media Duty Not to Addict Act passed the State House unanimously and are headed to the State Senate. On the federal level, The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would require companies to create tools for parents to monitor or curtail screen time, and two more bills, the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act and the Protecting the Information of our Vulnerable Children and Youth Act look to broaden protections covered by COPPA. While... Read More >
The browser feature only allows trackers to see behavior on individual sites, rather than across sites. It was previously available but users had to turn it on.
AI-edited content is less concerning than AI-generated content — that’s the takeaway from Meta’s adjustment to its AI labeling on Facebook and other platforms. The “AI info” label will continue to appear on AI-generated content. Where content has only been modified or edited using AI, the label will appear more demurely in the post’s menu.