In Brief: MediaMath integrates Sourcepoint privacy ratings
MediaMath’s customers will get pre-bid access to inventory segments on sites that meet their privacy standards, based on Sourcepoint’s Privacy Lens website ratings.
MediaMath’s customers will get pre-bid access to inventory segments on sites that meet their privacy standards, based on Sourcepoint’s Privacy Lens website ratings.
The browser feature only allows trackers to see behavior on individual sites, rather than across sites. It was previously available but users had to turn it on.
Have you been fretting that it’s too hard to buy things through your TV? Roku and Walmart now offer shoppable ads within Roku-delivered programming. What’s special is the payments are made using Roku’s payment system, so there’s no need to visit the Walmart ecommerce site to complete the transaction. They call this “t-commerce”, as well they should.
Salesforce’s Dreamforce mega-conference is next week and the company’s publicity elves are already working overtime. In the first of what are sure to be daily announcements this week, the company announced 100+ industry-specific prompts, data models, and AI capabilities across its fifteen industry clouds. It also launched an AI Use Case Library to house its industry-specific AI offerings.