IT’S THE LAW (01/04/2022)
Illinois’ new Protecting Household Privacy Act is first-of-its-kind legislation. It protects household IoT device records by not allowing law enforcement access without a search warrant.
Illinois’ new Protecting Household Privacy Act is first-of-its-kind legislation. It protects household IoT device records by not allowing law enforcement access without a search warrant.
A new amendment to Election Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 allows Aadhar, a social security-type system to connect with country voter rolls. The government says this will allow them to check for duplicate registrations. Aadhar has been controversial since its 2009 inception because it’s been linked to other private systems, including in finance and telecom.
Washington Post-Schar School poll surveying more than 1,100 adults found wide distrust of social media companies with 73% calling data collection for ad targeting, “unjustified,” and 64% saying government should do more to regulate privacy.
They didn’t call it a CDP, but Meta just launched a product to “connect your first-party data from any sources to any destination, streamlining your data handling processes and unlocking valuable insights to optimize your marketing campaigns.” The name of this miracle cure is Signals Gateway, and pricing seems to start at $30 per month. Data is hosted in Amazon Web Services and, at least in theory, Meta can’t see it.