
Older consumers and wealthy consumers most concerned about sharing data with brands

A survey by CommX, CommerceNext, Bizrate and Coresight Research of more than 1,000 shoppers revealed, a vast majority were concerned – 70% strongly agree, 87% strongly or somewhat agree – about data use.  Those in wealthy households ($150,000+ income) were most concerned about how their data was stored.

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IT’S THE LAW (12/06/2022)

December 6, 2022

Saudi Arabia’s data authority has published draft amendments to its Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) for comments this month in preparation for changes to go into effect this spring. This includes major changes to make laws more business friendly. The Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) changes include allowing data transfers to jurisdictions that ensure appropriate privacy protection; allowing legitimate interest as a basis for processing non-sensitive data, including for location data; and a right to individual data portability.

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Children’s Privacy: Finnish GDPR4CHLDRN initiative to establish privacy ed and training program

December 6, 2022

Finland’s Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is overseeing the GDPR4CHILDRN project, which has a 2-year plan to develop a toolkit to be used by children’s activity associations and by parents and young people to help educate about data protection for youth. Plans are for the toolkit to be published in Finnish, Swedish, and English, and translated into Russian, Estonian, Somali, and Arabic.

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