
Trustworthiness & transparency a close second to uniqueness in choosing a brand

Hope you’re sitting down, as we’ve just learned that honesty matters and is gaining ground with people of all ages. In fact, it was the driver for more than half of first-time purchases in a survey of 1,000 US consumers and ranked as the top motivator for millennials. ActiveCampaign, the customer experience automation (CXA) company reported the bar is high on social for adopting new brands, and to succeed, businesses must inspire trust and take an omnichannel approach.

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Ever wonder who foots the bill for data breaches? You and I do!

August 2, 2022

IBM Security’s Cost of Data Breach Report brings us the not-surprising-but-still-disappointing news that consumers are once again made to pay for company inaction. Eighty-three percent reported having more than one data breach, yet 79% of critical infrastructure organizations didn’t deploy a zero-trust architecture. The report showed cost at an all-time high, but 60% of the companies surveyed addressed their shortfall by increasing the cost of goods or services to their customers.

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