
Two-year study of ICE procurement activity finds US agency has easy access to billions of data points – with little oversight

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), isn’t considered a surveillance arm of the government, but it does have access to a vast trove of data via the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and utility companies that provide heat, water and electricity. A new study has found that data it collects from those organizations and a couple others, adds up to it having data on 1 in 3 adults via license photos, 3 in 4 adults via license data, and 3 in 4 adults via utility records. Concern is that ICE is not subject to state laws – or to judicial, legislative or public oversight.

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IT’S THE LAW (05/31/2022)

May 31, 2022

British Columbia introduces Anti-Racism Data Act, the first in North America to collect data as a “tool of care” for human rights. It gives the Canadian province limited rights to collect select demographic data to be used to identify and look to eliminate systematic racism. It includes provision for the creation of an anti-racism data committee to be appointed this summer which will work with Indigenous groups, people of color, and racialized communities. Individuals will have the choice of whether they want to have their demographic data used and won’t be denied services if they decline.

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Children’s Privacy: 49 countries; 290 companies; 164 learning products… harvest kids’ data without consent – re: Human Rights Watch global report

May 31, 2022
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