
56% of Marketing Departments Share in Tech Decisions: CompTIA Report

IT trade group CompTIA asked U.S. IT workers about technology acquisition and management at their organizations. The main message was that IT shares responsibility with other departments.  Marketing was involved in technology decisions at 56% of the companies, ranking third behind IT itself (71%) and finance (61%). There were plenty of other interesting tidbits, including growth of tech budgets outside of IT (no faster than budgets within IT), priority of integration for IT (ranks behind infrastructure and innovation), and problems with integrating technology selected by non-IT buyers (38%) and with integrating cloud systems (25%). Marketers will find it an intriguing peek inside the minds of their colleagues in IT.

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Boxever CDP Repackages Components to Expand Beyond Travel

February 17, 2017

Let’s look at some companies outside the U.S. today.  We’ll start with Boxever, a Dublin-based Customer Data Platform and orchestration system that has specialized in the travel industry. The company has just repackaged its unification components as Boxever OneView and its orchestration tools as Boxever Engage. It’s part of a move to add retail and financial services clients. Packaging aside, the system capabilities are still pretty much as described in this recent review.on Customer Experience Matrix.

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86% of Consumers Rate Good Customer Experience a Reason to Share Data: Janrain Survey

February 15, 2017

Here’s a reminder why customer experience is important: a recent Janrain survey that found that “good customer experience” is the single most important factor in convincing consumers to share personal data. Experience was important to 86% of consumers, ahead even of control over communications (78%), compelling loyalty programs (74%) and promising not to share data with third parties (71%). But it’s not all about feeling warm and fluffy: 62% said they’d register to receive a product discount.

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GrowthLoop and TransUnion Partner to Optimize Audience Reach

April 19, 2024

GrowthLoop will use TransUnion identity data to improve U.S. consumer match rates on client files sent to advertising media such as Facebook and Google Ads.  The data should also help clients to find matches among records within their files, building more accurate customer profiles.  GrowthLoop calls itself a “composable CDP”, meaning it works with data assembled in external data warehouses.

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