
AppsFlyer Bolsters Privacy Marketplace and Data Clean Room with devtodev Acquisition

Marketing measurement platform AppsFlyer has had a data clean room solution since 2021 and just last month converted it into the Privacy Cloud Marketplace by opening it to third-party services.  The idea is to make it easier for AppsFlyer clients to share data with each other, platforms, partners, ad networks, and everyone else.  They just bought analytics platform devtodev, in good part to serve as a test bed for fleshing out the Privacy Cloud Marketplace services.

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Will Apple Launch A Search Engine of Its Own? GP Bullhoud Thinks So

November 13, 2023

This GP Bullhound report offers ten tech predictions for 2024, officially kicking off the 2024 prediction season.  At least six relate to AI, but they also look at the growth of the private space industry (space as in astronauts, not WeWork), anti-money laundering, and carbon accounting.  Perhaps the riskiest prediction is that Apply will launch an ad-free search engine of its own.   Thought-provoking if not light reading.

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