
B2B Buyers Expect More Personalization Than B2C: Salesforce Research

Next we have the customer perspective. Salesforce surveyed B2B and B2C buyers and found that business buyers have significantly higher expectations about interactive and personalized experiences. Less surprising: Millennials and GenXers are more attuned to personalization than troglodytes Baby Boomers. But convenience is still king: while 52%of respondents are likely to abandon brands that don’t personalize their communications, 74% would switch because of a difficult purchase process.

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Adhark Uses AI to Assess Marketing Images

October 17, 2017

Decisions, decisions. Should we talk today about artificial intelligence or visual marketing? We can do both this item about Adhark, whose Ava platform uses AI to score the “visual resonance” of images, based on its understanding of the visual preferences of marketing audiences. This apparently represents a pivot for Adhark, which last year introduced a now-vanished product to recommend social media activities.

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Womply Adds Automated Email Marketing for Small Businesses

October 13, 2017

Not every retailer has the resources to design targeted marketing campaigns. Womply is there to help with an email marketing engine that automatically sends welcome, winback, loyalty, and survey campaigns. Womply captures credit card transactions to build a customer database, which it then leverages for analytics and marketing. It also provides small retailers with other online marketing services including directory listings, advertising, and reputation management.

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Salesforce Launches Industry-Specific AI Capabilities

September 10, 2024

Salesforce’s Dreamforce mega-conference is next week and the company’s publicity elves are already working overtime.  In the first of what are sure to be daily announcements this week, the company announced 100+ industry-specific prompts, data models, and AI capabilities across its fifteen industry clouds.  It also launched an AI Use Case Library to house its industry-specific AI offerings.

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