
CDP Industry Grew 60% in 2018: CDP Institute Report

Happy 2019, Dear Reader. The CDP Institute elves worked hard over the holidays to greet you with our latest CDP Industry Update. They found the industry grew 60% in 2018 and ended with an estimated $740 million revenue. Lots of details about where the growth came from and what happens next.

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People Issues Block Big Data Success: NewVantage Partners Survey

January 3, 2019

Short of randomly asking “But will it scale?” you can always sound smart in a meeting by saying the real challenge is people, not technology. Here’s proof: a survey of Fortune 1000 executives from tech advisors NewVantage Partners, which found that 95% of respondents cited cultural factors as blocking big data adoption, compared with just 5% citing technology. You can almost hear the teeth grind as fewer claimed measurable results than in last year’s survey.

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Just 11% of Marketers Spend Their Budget Effectively: WorkSpan Survey

December 21, 2018

Maybe CMOs would be more successful if they spent less time answering surveys. Here’s one more, this time by partner marketing specialist WorkSpan. They found that just 11% of marketers are confident their budget is spent effectively. Perhaps hoping to save marketers some time, WorkSpan reported results in a press release without publishing the report itself. And, I was just kidding about CMO surveys: 68% of study respondents held non-CMO titles.

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