CDP Optimove Adds Mobile Message Delivery
CDP Optimove has added mobile messaging to its platform, making it a rare CDP with integrated message delivery functions. They added email capabilities last year.
CDP Optimove has added mobile messaging to its platform, making it a rare CDP with integrated message delivery functions. They added email capabilities last year.
Lots of CDP and near-CDP news today. Let’s start with a “strategic initiative” between CDP RedPoint Global and enterprise preference manager PossibleNOW to cooperate on meeting some requirements of the GDPR privacy regulations. PossibleNOW provides the use interface and consent management while RedPoint connects with corporate data.
Facebook has more troubles on the political front: the latest is a planned French law that requires they remove hate content within 24 hours or pay fines up to $62 million per incident. A similar German law is already in effect. Further clarifying who’s in charge, the law would also use government resources to find offensive content and empower the government to shut down hateful accounts when the social network fails to act. Can you hear me now?
Enterprise AI vendor Uniphore has acquired CDP ActionIQ and cloud data engineering system Infoworks. The combination of products will create a Zero Data AI Cloud that simplifies AI deployments by enabling companies to access data for AI projects without moving it from existing systems. Prices were not announced.