
Companies Expand Mobile-First Programs Despite Privacy Challenges: AppsFlyer and Adobe Report

AppsFlyer and Adobe also found organizational issues are a top obstacle to change, in this case related to mobile-first marketing.  On average, respondents said 40% of their sales are already being made through mobile, and many are looking for more.  Nearly all are “concerned” (30%) or “very concerned” (55%) about privacy developments, but the survey listed many ways companies are encouraging consumers to consent to tracking.

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IT Leaders Prioritize Integrated Data Prep Over Self-Service Options: TWDI Study

January 10, 2022

Respondents to this TDWI survey see more technical than organizational obstacles to data-driven decisions: data quality ranks first (61%) followed by lack of a unified view (43%).   The group prioritized end-to-end integration of data prep (45%) over self-service options (30%), and just 40% have a comprehensive plan to move data into the cloud.  Moral of the story: IT folks are more conservative about their tech than you might think.

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CDP mParticle Sold to Rokt for $300 Million

January 17, 2025

CDP mParticle is being acquired by ecommerce platform Rokt for a price of $300 million.  It’s the third acquisition of a leading independent CDP in a little over one month, following Uniphore’s purchase of ActionIQ and Contentstack’s purchase of Lytics. All three buyers offer some type of customer-facing technology; apparently they’ve decided that adding real-time profiles from CDP will give them a competitive edge.  (See this blog post for more analysis.)

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