
Consumer Data Deletion Requests Up 69%: Twilio Report

Consumer attitudes towards business use of their data continue to show the usual conflict between privacy and personalization.  This Twilio report shows 95% of consumes want more control over their data but 66% will stop using a brand if their experience isn’t personalized.  Looking past talk to action: data deletion requests on Twilio Segment rose 69% in the past year.

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Support Growing for Big Tech Regulation: Morning Consult Survey

April 3, 2023

Concerns about ChatGPT are one tiny tile in the great mosaic of worries about tech in general.  This Morning Consult report offers a broader view and it’s more mixed than you might think: yes, U.S. consumers have become more hostile recently, but 58% still say their impression of big tech companies is favorable.  There does seem to be a bi-partisan desire for more regulation but that doesn’t guarantee that Congress will act.

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