
DataGrail Offers Data Privacy Management as a Service

Tired of worrying about those pesky data privacy rules?  DataGrail has launched a managed service to do it for you.  Alas, the scope seems limited to data mapping and response to consumer data requests, so handling the data correctly will still be up to your company.

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Tech Start-Ups and Martech M&A Down: Crunchbase, Founders Advisors

August 1, 2023

Maybe it only seems like martech acquisitions have become more rare.  Founders Advisors reports the number of deals has actually been about flat over the past two years, although deal value and valuations have definitely fallen.  Meanwhile, Crunchbase says the number of U.S.-based start-ups is down 86%  since 2020, with similar declines in Europe and Israel.  I wonder if Crunchbase just hasn’t identified some of newest companies yet.

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Microsoft & Apple face EU anti-trust inquiries

August 1, 2023

New investigations by the European Commission about Microsoft Teams and by France’s Autorité de la concurrence about Apple continue efforts to reign in Big Tech overreach. With Microsoft concern is that having bundled Teams software with its Office 365 suite by default, Microsoft made it difficult for other products to compete. With Apple, the regulator that oversees competition is looking into claims the company used its market position to implement discriminatory, non-transparent conditions to use its customer data to be used for ad purposes.

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