
Employees Suffer More than Customers from Poor Identity Management: Radian Logic Study

You can download this Radiant Logic study on identity management without sharing your email address, which may be the authors’ sly comment on the value of some customer information. Sure enough, the IT leaders who answered the survey were much more likely to worry about the impact of “identity sprawl” on employee frustration (46%) than on customer service (12%). They have a point: 60% said their company has more than 21 different identities per internal user, leading to all sorts of inefficiencies and security risks.

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Major retailers face Illinois biometric class action

August 23, 2022

A federal lawsuit filed in Illinois renews claims major retailers have been matching in-store surveillance camera images with biometric facial data scraped off the Internet by Clearview AI, presumably for the purpose of detecting shoplifters. The allegations claim victims’ images captured and able to be identified were in violation of Illinois’ BIPA privacy law. This new case has been filed because an attempt to tie it to a prior Macy’s case was disallowed for timing.

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