
Factual Appends Location History to Customer Records

Surely it’s no longer cool to sell companies location history that they can tie to individual records? Au contraire. Location data vendor Factual recently announced a product that does exactly that, matching on devices. The company promises that all data is acquired with proper consent or was acquired before current consent rules such as CCPA took effect.

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Facebook Promises Fabulous Privacy Protections

January 28, 2020

Raise your hand if you knew today is Data Privacy Day. (Firstname_Placeholder, did you just raise your hand? Do you think I can’t see you?) You can watch a two hour event to celebrate or you can chuckle over Facebook’s promise to provide users with privacy protections “far beyond those required by United States law” if a federal judge grants it immunity from anything illegal it might have done in the past. They didn’t mention throwing in a bridge to Brooklyn, but I guess that’s implied.

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