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India Requires Social Media Companies to Use Government-Run Fact Check

April 7, 2023

After years of inaction, governments are taking stronger measures to control online information – a cure that might be worse than the disease.  Increasingly-authoritarian India has prohibited social media from sharing false information and set up its own fact-checking unit as the arbiter of truth.   And increasingly-authoritarian Arkansas is joining Utah in passing a law that gives parents closer control over their kids’ online activities.

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GrowthLoop and TransUnion Partner to Optimize Audience Reach

April 19, 2024

GrowthLoop will use TransUnion identity data to improve U.S. consumer match rates on client files sent to advertising media such as Facebook and Google Ads.  The data should also help clients to find matches among records within their files, building more accurate customer profiles.  GrowthLoop calls itself a “composable CDP”, meaning it works with data assembled in external data warehouses.

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