
Google Allows Limited Third-Party Cookie Sharing Among Related Websites

We reported last week that nearly half of advertisers and publishers expect Google to delay cookie deprecation again.  That hasn’t happened yet, but they did just announce they are rolling out First Party Sets, which loosens the rules a bit by enabling related websites to share what would otherwise look like third-party cookies for limited purposes such as shared sign-on.  Hmm.

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Roku Will Coordinate Ads with Program Plot Points

May 8, 2023

I vaguely recall a satire where ads were inserted at contextually relevant spots in movies, such as a cellphone ad when ET calls home.  Wait, that’s the example given to explain an utterly serious announcement last week of a new ad placement option from Roku.  “Roku’s artificial intelligence searches the Roku library for iconic plot moments that match a brand’s message and place their ads in real time.”  So horrifying it might just work.

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