
InfoSum Launches Privacy-Safe Audience Analysis Platform

Targeting on demographics and location both raise privacy concerns, at least for some people. InfoSum has just launched a privacy-safe planning tool that lets marketers match their own data against media audiences without exposing personal identities. Everybody wins: marketers can find which audiences best fit their needs; publishers can sell more advertising; and consumers run less risk of having personal data exposed.

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Consumers Want Control Over Marketing Messages: Twilio Study

November 11, 2019

Hi folks, it’s Jamie, Senior Intern at the CDP Institute’s Department of the Obvious. I didn’t understand the boss’s message asking me to write today’s newsletter – something about a moose – but I’m always happy to help. Let’s start with a salute to my counterparts at Twilio, who found that 94% of consumers are sometimes annoyed by marketing communications. That’s world-class obviousness. There was less obvious stuff about preferred channels and such, but I ignored it.

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Consumers Eager for Personalized Content: Marigold

September 13, 2024

It’s all surveys today, Dear Reader.  Marigold reports that consumers are eager for personalized content, with 79% saying they’re likely to engage with a personalized email tailored to their interests.  Sadly, 33% feel their needs are unmet by current brand messages.  Discounts and coupons (95%) top the list of what they want in exchange for personal data, followed closely by loyalty rewards at 94%.  Content is last at 61%.

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