
Instacart Adds Same-Day Fulfillment for Big Objects

TV might let you be in four places at once, but the physical world still has its constraints.  Instacart is doing its best to reduce them.  Their latest effort is a program to deliver big objects like furniture on the day you order them.  It’s not quite teleportation but we’re getting there.

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Sephora to pay $1.2M, plus has dubious distinction of being the subject of California’s first major privacy settlement

August 30, 2022

A sweep of online retailers found Sephora Cosmetics was selling customer data without consent to third party online tracking companies without consent, which is illegal under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The company’s $1.2 million fine marks the first major settlement since CCPA went into effect. Violations included not notifying customers and failures to process customer opt-out requests.

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