
Marketing Budgets Threatened by Enterprise Digital Investments: Gartner Report

Everything’s up to date in this Gartner report on CMO Vision, which finds that marketing budgets are at risk as CEOs make digital investments an enterprise-level activity.  Gartner proposes that CMOs respond by redefining themselves as the company’s “chief connecting officer”.  There’s not much data here but we’ve heard this song before and it’s worth a listen.

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IT and Marketing Disagree: Sitecore Study

October 22, 2021
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Twilio Launches Growth Automation Platform

October 21, 2021

Twilio has launched a new marketing application, Engage, to complement its existing sales and service tools, Frontline and Flex.  The new product is built on the Twilio Segment CDP using Twilio’s communcations APIs.  I’d ordinarily describe Engage as a marketing automation system, but Twilio swears it’s “the first of its kind: a growth automation platform built on real-time, dynamically changing first-party customer data that allows marketers to quickly build and scale hyper-personalized omnichannel campaigns from start to finish.”

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Consumers Eager for Personalized Content: Marigold

September 13, 2024

It’s all surveys today, Dear Reader.  Marigold reports that consumers are eager for personalized content, with 79% saying they’re likely to engage with a personalized email tailored to their interests.  Sadly, 33% feel their needs are unmet by current brand messages.  Discounts and coupons (95%) top the list of what they want in exchange for personal data, followed closely by loyalty rewards at 94%.  Content is last at 61%.

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