
Microsoft Adds AI-Based Copilot to Dynamics 365

Can’t we just agree that all software will include generative AI-based assistants for most tasks, so I don’t have to report on each one? The latest announcement is from Microsoft Dynamics 365, whose “Copilot” will do cool things like help find customer segments in your CDP and create draft emails. Most features are in a limited preview mode.

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Zeta Marketing Cloud Uses AI to Simplify Data Warehouse Connections

March 8, 2023

I don’t know when Zeta started calling itself “the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud”, but that no longer sounds very special. They’ve just announced a variety of AI-based enhancements, including omnichannel forecasting, enhanced propensity scoring, and no-code data warehouse connections. It’s the warehouse connections that catch my eye: AI has great potential to remove that bottleneck, yet few vendor talk about applying it to the problem.

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Joint Industry Committee Offers Draft Requirements for Video Measurement

March 7, 2023

When I say “currency”, is what pops into your head “crypto” or “ad measurement”? If the latter, you’ll be excited that the Joint Industry Committee, a consortium of TV programmers, has published a first draft its requirements for cross-platform video currencies. The JIC will certify solutions that meet the standards, giving media buyers even more conflicting options to choose from. Sounds like a plan.

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Salesforce Launches Industry-Specific AI Capabilities

September 10, 2024

Salesforce’s Dreamforce mega-conference is next week and the company’s publicity elves are already working overtime.  In the first of what are sure to be daily announcements this week, the company announced 100+ industry-specific prompts, data models, and AI capabilities across its fifteen industry clouds.  It also launched an AI Use Case Library to house its industry-specific AI offerings.

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