
Online Ads Miss Their Targets: Janrain Survey

Consumers are underwhelmed by what they get for the data they already share: in this survey from identity management vendor Janrain, just 18% said online ads “often” seem to understand what they want while although 47% offered a grudging “sometimes”. Voting with their fingers, 71% said they’d downloaded software to protect their data privacy or otherwise control their Web experience. Two-thirds (66%) said they want more government regulation protecting their privacy while 55% 55% said they’d permit use of some data in return for clear benefits. A hefty 36% wouldn’t share anything if they had the choice.

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Oracle Launches ‘Pre-Bid by Moat’ Ad Safety Solution

November 8, 2018

Oracle has launched a combined anti-fraud, viewability, brand safety ad solution based on its Dyn (2016), Moat (2017), and Grapeshot (2018) acquisitions. Called Pre-Bid by Moat, is integrated with major DSPs. Ad quality has been a hot topic recently, what with a massive Android app ad fraud uncovered by BuzzFeed and a CHEQ study that found consumers hold brands responsible for inappropriate ad placements.

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WireWheel Raises $10 Million for Automated Privacy Management

November 6, 2018

Finally, we have a $10 million Series A funding for privacy management platform WireWheel, bringing total funding to $13 million. WireWheel automates privacy challenges including finding personal information in company systems, mapping processes that use that data, and alerting users to questionable events. Other tools provide documentation, frameworks, and collaboration. Given the complexities of privacy management, it’s important to know that companies like WireWheel can help.

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Treasure Data Introduces CDP Trade-Up Program

January 14, 2025

Treasure Data will provide its system to free for companies that are stuck in contracts with other CDPs. The trade-up program is available to companies with roughly firms with $1 billion or more revenue, that already have a competitive CDP in place. There will still be some costs for services to make the conversion but Treasure Data says these are fairly small since it has considerable experience with such projects.

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