
People Respond More to Ads They See: Adform Research

The headline on this PwC study for Adform isn’t immediately obvious: first-party IDs improve programmatic ad results.  But what the study mostly found is you get more responses when you show ads to more people.  First-party IDs come into play because they let you show ads to people who would otherwise be unreachable in cookieless environments.

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Consumers More Likely to Buy Products They’re Interested In: IAS Study

June 30, 2022

Hi, it’s Jamie, Senior Intern at the CDP Institute’s Department of the Obvious.  The boss left work suddenly today, muttering something about extradition treaties, so I’m filling in.  Here’s an Integral Ad Science study that used eye tracking technology to find that people viewing content on a topic pay more attention to ads on that topic.  Even more obvious, their purchase intent is higher too.

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Treasure Data Introduces CDP Trade-Up Program

January 14, 2025

Treasure Data will provide its system to free for companies that are stuck in contracts with other CDPs. The trade-up program is available to companies with roughly firms with $1 billion or more revenue, that already have a competitive CDP in place. There will still be some costs for services to make the conversion but Treasure Data says these are fairly small since it has considerable experience with such projects.

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