Please Take Our Member Survey
A day may come when the CDP Institute no longer runs a member survey. But today is not that day. Please take a few minutes to strengthen the bonds of fellowship by sharing your CDP experience.
A day may come when the CDP Institute no longer runs a member survey. But today is not that day. Please take a few minutes to strengthen the bonds of fellowship by sharing your CDP experience.
Although cybersecurity is beating out economic and talent risks as the top risk factor in 2024, 80% of companies have no dedicated plan to guard against risks from genAI. Only 19% have formally trained the organization on the risks, while 16% say they have a dedicated budget. Riskonnect surveyed over 200 risk, resilience and compliance professionals.
Openprise, the revops-focused CDP, has announced a new AI Factory. Part of the Openprise RevOps Data Automation (RDA) Cloud, the Factory will allow marketing, sales and revenue teams to create AI-powered data management and automation tools without an assist from IT. The Factory also has built-in security and compliance components.
Enterprise AI vendor Uniphore has acquired CDP ActionIQ and cloud data engineering system Infoworks. The combination of products will create a Zero Data AI Cloud that simplifies AI deployments by enabling companies to access data for AI projects without moving it from existing systems. Prices were not announced.