
Social Commerce Struggles to Satisfy Buyers: GoodFirms Survey

Another unfolding drama is the struggle for success by social commerce – that is, buying through social media platforms rather than traditional ecommerce sites.  Marketers are excited but consumers are skeptical.  This GoodFirms report takes an optimistic view but still finds that 89% of social commerce buyers had a problem of some sort.

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Knowledge Workers Lose 30% of Time Looking for Data: Forrester Study

January 3, 2023

The tech world will see a continued shift towards self-service by business users, both in data access and application development.  It’s a rare convergence of interest between business users, who want more control over their fate, and IT staff, who want to focus on other things.  This Forrester report for Airtable highlights the problems, finding that large organizations use an average of 367 software apps and systems, and knowledge workers spend 30% of their time looking for data.

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