SugarCRM enables data residency for ANZ customers
SugarCRM is enabling full data residency in Australia to allow customer data to be stored in-country for local users.
SugarCRM is enabling full data residency in Australia to allow customer data to be stored in-country for local users.
Loyalty programs have evolved significantly, from the simple ‘stamp card’ days to now becoming exciting, dynamic, multifaceted and interactive rewards programs customers love. In fact, according to a Point of Loyalty report, 68% of Australians say that the loyalty program they belong to enhances their brand experience.
Trend Micro has officially launched its Trend Micro Cloud One regional data centre in Sydney, with the intention of helping to uphold data sovereignty and safeguard data privacy in Australia.
Treasure Data will provide its system to free for companies that are stuck in contracts with other CDPs. The trade-up program is available to companies with roughly firms with $1 billion or more revenue, that already have a competitive CDP in place. There will still be some costs for services to make the conversion but Treasure Data says these are fairly small since it has considerable experience with such projects.