
Tech Buyers Rely Most on Friends and Search Engines for Product Discovery: Lavidge Survey

We seem to have a “customer behavior” theme this week. I don’t know why but let’s go with it. A study from marketing services consultancy Lavidge finds that tech buyers rely most on colleagues and friends, search engines, and vendor Web sites as data sources during product discovery, while paying less attention to case studies, industry reports, blogs, and advertising in general. No prizes for guessing that cold call telemarketing is the least favorite of all.

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29% of Consumers Find Personalized Offers ‘Creepy’: Oracle Research

November 29, 2017

Is there anyone left who’d rather keep their personal data private? Yes, but a minority according to an Oracle survey of 15,000 consumers. They found 29% felt offers based on social media data are “creepy”, while 50% would be attracted to personalized offers based on loyalty data, purchase data, and real-time browsing behavior. Other things they found creepy: delivery drones (26%), automatic grocery replenishment (33%), and robot assistance in a dressing room (39%).

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Consumers Eager for Personalized Content: Marigold

September 13, 2024

It’s all surveys today, Dear Reader.  Marigold reports that consumers are eager for personalized content, with 79% saying they’re likely to engage with a personalized email tailored to their interests.  Sadly, 33% feel their needs are unmet by current brand messages.  Discounts and coupons (95%) top the list of what they want in exchange for personal data, followed closely by loyalty rewards at 94%.  Content is last at 61%.

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