Library/Evaluation Guide/Data Analysis, Data Assembly, Message Delivery, Omnichannel

Getting the Best CDP Starts with the Right RFP (Zeta)

In this whitepaper, the CDPI and Zeta explain how to optimize the CDP selection process by building an RFP that asks the right questions and accompanying it with other important steps.

Related Resources

Building a True Business Case for Your CDP: Why Use Cases Matter (Zeta)

CDP use cases play an important role in successful deployment. The CDPI and Zeta show how to make sure all relevant stakeholders contribute to the list of use cases.

Overview of the Zeta Marketing Platform (Zeta)

Customers expect a relevant and consistent experience from their favorite brands, and the Zeta Marketing Platform aims to deliver this by providing a unified platform for connected experiences.

Winning in the Era of Data Differentiation (Tealium)

Data is an increasingly critical resource for businesses. Tealium details how to use a CDP to optimize it.