Refined Path

Service Provider

Connected Data. Connected Customers.

Refined Path helps organizations drive business results by blending strategy, technology & analysis. We bring expertise in CDP’s, DMP’s & CRM platforms plus proven methodologies. We advise, train and offer managed services for one-to-one customer engagement. NY-based. What makes us different?

Digital Agency & Analytics Experience: Approach honed by 10+ years of digital media & CX experience at data-centric agencies Merkle & Razorfish, and 8 years of analytics at IRI.

Client Experience: We’ve worked with premier brands across verticals including multi-year engagements with AstraZenca, Capital One, Chase, Dell, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, Starwood Hotels, Victoria’s Secret & Verizon.

Vendors we have worked with: Lytics, Treasure Data, Marketo, Salesforce, Velocidi.

Vendor Blog Posts

What’s the ROI for a Customer Data Platform? It’s In The Way That You Use It. I'm often asked 'Whats the ROI from investing in a CDP?'