Library/Use Case/Retail/Customer Experience, Loyalty, Omnichannel, Orchestration, Personalization

Omni-Channel Retailers: Top 5 CDP Use Cases for Seamless Customer Experiences (FirstHive)

In the world of retail, customer experience reigns supreme. FirstHive details how a CDP helps you deliver high-quality CX across channels.

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The Definitive Guide to Customer Data Platforms (Twilio Segment)

Businesses are producing and handling more data than ever before. Segment details how a CDP can help you manage it all.

BlendeeID: overcome deprecation (Blendee)

Cookie deprecation has begun impacting marketers and publishers. Learn how the Blendee CDP leverages first- and third-party data to help you navigate this new landscape.

Ultimate Customer Data Platform Guide (Hightouch)

Companies are figuring out how to power growth with first-party customer data. Hightouch details how a composable CDP can help.