Library/Case Study/Travel and Entertainment/Customer Experience, Data Assembly, Loyalty, Message Delivery, Omnichannel, Personalization, Predictive Analytics, Real Time Interactions

Alaska Airlines Case Study (Amperity)

A well-known airline wanted to build more accurate customer journeys. Amperity shows how its CDP used segmentation to drive a 61.1% increase in open rates.

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Email beyond opens and clicks (Hansa Marketing Services, Inc.)

Marketing teams love to use email, but may not know how to optimize it. Hansa Marketing Services describes how a CDP can help.

Lakehouse CDP: Stop struggling with customer data quality and integrations (Amperity)

Getting value from customer data usually means a huge burden for data teams — thousands of hours of custom code to unify data, build and maintain connections, and keep the tech stack working together. Learn more about the next evolution of customer data.

Lucky Brand Case Study (Amperity)

An American denim company struggled to create personalized experiences due to siloed data. See how the Amperity customer data platform integrated the data to help them meet their goals.