2024 CDP Market Guide (ActionIQ)
Customer data platform categories have evolved in recent years. ActionIQ details key elements of each category and discusses CDP trends.
Customer data platform categories have evolved in recent years. ActionIQ details key elements of each category and discusses CDP trends.
Companies across industries are choosing a CDP to improve customer relationships by using data efficiently. BlueConic provides questions to ask to help choose the right CDP for your needs.
Deciding between a Composable CDP and a Packaged CDP should be based on careful comparison. The CDP Institute has prepared these worksheets to help you gather the information needed for this decision.
Retailers have specific needs that their martech must fulfill. This checklist from Ometria details those needs so your RFP includes them all.
Getting value from a CDP means choosing the one that best suits your enterprise’s needs. Amperity details what questions to ask providers.
Consumers now evaluate brands based on data privacy practices. Zeotap explains how to meet expectations.
The customer data platform marketplace has exploded recently. Relay42 helps you distinguish between the various options.
In this whitepaper, the CDPI and Zeta explain how to optimize the CDP selection process by building an RFP that asks the right questions and accompanying it with other important steps.
Selecting the right CDP can be difficult given how many different ones are available. Segment helps you through the RFP process.
It’s important to find a CDP that meets all of your needs. Treasure Data details the essential steps in the RFP process.
Many vendors want to join the CDP party, but not all offerings are created equal. Optimove helps you filter out the clutter in this guide.
Companies purchasing a CDP often run through a formal selection process. The CDP Institute provides a standard template for a RFP companies can use in this process.
CDPs vary greatly in scope, experience, and other factors. The CDP Institute provides a screening template so buyers can quickly identify the most relevant systems for their needs.
The popularity of CDPs has led to confusion as many vendors with similar systems seek to take advantage of buyer interest. The CDP Institute provides RealCDP, a simple checklist of what makes a system a CDP.
Handy list of the must-have items a CDP needs to unify data from disparate silos in a way that is relevant, timely, and actionable.
A side-by-side comparison of CDP vendors based on key differentiating features.
Lytics explains why you need a CDP, how CDP differs from other solutions, and what to look for when buying a CDP.
Questions to ask CDP vendors related to use of CDP data, including connections to external systems, performance, and applications provided within the CDP. Part of a series to help buyers make an informed decision.
Questions to ask CDP vendors related to transformations, identity association, and preparing data for access. Part of a series to help buyers make an informed decision.
Questions to ask CDP vendors related to operations, support, costs, and vendor background. Part of a series to help buyers make an informed decision.
Questions to ask CDP vendors related to data load, data structure, performance, and functions. Part of a series to help buyers make an informed decision.
Struggling to tell Customer Data Platform vendors apart? Optimove’s Field Guide to CDPs describes the major types of CDP vendors, identifying features for each, and how to pick the one that’s right for you.