
Adobe Real-Time CDP

Delivery CDP

Real-Time CDP is your complete customer data management solution — from acquisition through loyalty — with customer data capabilities and advanced tools built in. Using durable third-party data integrations and second-party data collaboration tools, you can prospect new customers, enrich top-of-funnel experiences, optimize your audience targeting, and more — all without third-party cookies.

Natively connected foundation

Built on the Adobe Experience Platform, Real-Time CDP connects natively with other applications for fast results without additional connectors.

Vendor Resources

Adobe RealCDP Audit Report (Adobe Real-Time CDP) Adobe Real-Time CDP meets all core RealCDP certification requirements.

The Total Economic Impact Of Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Journey Optimizer, And Customer Journey Analytics (Adobe Real-Time CDP) The Adobe Real-Time CDP collects data across all channels to create real-time profiles and audiences. Learn more in this Forrester TEI Report.

An IT manager’s guide to building or buying a CDP (Adobe Real-Time CDP) Customer data platforms have been growing in popularity for years. The CDPI and Adobe explain how to decide whether to buy one or extend your company’s existing systems.

Vendor Blog Posts

Scale advertising reach, ROI, and growth with Real-Time CDP Collaboration Marketers are left with few reliable signals to help them reach the right audiences.

Beyond composable — Federated Audience Composition in Adobe Real-Time CDP and Adobe Journey Optimizer In our conversations with customers, sometimes they ask, "Can I just use my data warehouse as a customer data platform (CDP)?"

As cookies disappear, the need for data collaboration is here When it comes to customer engagement, acquisition, and loyalty, experience is the difference.

Why data quality is the key to success with your customer data platform Data quality is the foundation of any successful customer data platform (CDP).

Unlock value faster with Use Case Playbooks for Adobe Real-Time CDP and Journey Optimizer As marketers navigate challenges, internal hurdles can complicate the ability to execute.

New tools for marketers in Adobe Real-Time CDP unlock efficiency and scaled audience engagement Marketers today are looking for new ways to improve customer experiences.

Unify your customer data and transform the customer experience: A guide on how to activate personalized insights and engagement No matter where a brand is in its marketing journey, now is the time to improve the customer journey.

Event forwarding the easy way – getting started with Adobe Real-Time CDP and Meta Conversions API It's increasingly difficult to ensure your advertising partners are sharing relevant content with your customers.

Supporting full-funnel marketing in a single system with Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform (CDP) Every business needs to do two things to grow — find and acquire new customers and increase the lifetime value of those customers.