
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

Categories : CDPI Privacy Newsletter

PRIVITAR survey: 78% of consumers concerned about protecting personal data

September 1, 2020
Consumers are concerned, confused and apprehensive about how businesses use their data, according to the 2020 Consumer Trust and Data Privacy Report released by Privitar. Citing a need for businesses to take a leadership role and build brand loyalty by protecting customers, Privitar’s announcement indicates that nearly half surveyed said they would not share sensitive data; a third said they did not read privacy notices; and as few as 21% said they would be willing share health data for contract tracing purposes because of privacy concerns.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

Hackers Paid to Keep Massive Breach Secret

August 25, 2020
Uber’s former security chief charged with data breach cover up The California United States Attorney and FBI brought obstruction of justice charges against Uber’s former CSO for concealing a security breach that revealed PII associated with 57 million users and drivers. In a warning to other companies, the announcement stated, “We expect prompt reporting of criminal conduct. We will not tolerate corporate cover-ups”.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter

Privacy-Preserving Tech Gains Top-Tier Funding

August 25, 2020
Aphersis raises €2.5M for privacy-safe data sharing Aphersis, which ensures secure, private data collaboration and analysis for global pharma, manufacturing and telecom companies, has just received seed funding from top-tier investors, including Twitter’s board chair. The company uses decentralized computing, federated learning and cryptographic protocols to make it possible to share highly sensitive data.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter


August 18, 2020
In two cases that litigants in the UK and the Netherlands believe could exceed €10BN in collective claims, the companies are being sued for use of third party cookies for ad tracking. The Dutch case, which was filed by The Privacy Collective, is the biggest in the Netherlands related to violation of GDPR. The UK case, which will be presented later this month, is in connection with GDPR and the UK’s Privacy of Electronic Communications Regulation.
CDPI Privacy Newsletter