
Few Companies Have Adequate Data Quality Programs: Paxata Survey

If customer data is the foundation of good marketing, then data quality is the foundation of good customer data. Data transformation vendor Paxata found that just 15% of IT executives said their companies had deployed a mature data quality approach, which they define as using things like data lakes, public cloud, and profiling. Another 40% had developed one but not deployed it. The IT organization was in charge of data quality at the vast majority of companies, with just 12% saying line of business managers had primary responsibility.

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Impact Radius Reveals “Integrated Platform” and Rebrands as “Impact”

March 22, 2018

Finally, we have news from Impact Radius, a mashup of three businesses including the Altitude (formerly ClearSaleing) attribution system, which assembles enough customer data to be thought of as a CDP. The other two businesses are Forensiq (ad fraud detection) and Radius (affiliate, influencer, and other paid partner marketing). That’s a pretty diverse collection but we’re told they have now been “natively integrated” into a “marketing technology platform” and the company has rebranded as just plain Impact.

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