
Netflix Integrates with Nielsen One Ads to Measure Streaming Ad Audiences

We’ve written before about streaming video providers switching from subscriptions to an ad-based model.  One issue that raises is ad measurement.  To address that, Netflix has just integrated with Nielsen One Ads, which provides viewing metrics for digital ad campaigns.

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Almost 20% of “Complete” Ad Bids Fail Validation: Pixalate Report

October 6, 2023

Sometimes ad fraud feels like the weather: people talk about it but don’t take action.  One of the few positive steps has been IAB Tech Lab’s Supply Chain Object (SCO), introduced in 2019, to validate all parties involved in a bid request.  Alas, Pixalate reports that 13% of SCOs are not marked as complete and 19% of marked as complete by SCO failed independent verification.  The failed bids had 65% higher invalid traffic rates than the others.

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