
Better CX Is Top Goal for Digital Product Projects: Modus Create Survey

Speaking of product-led growth, Modus Create finds just 23% of companies always involve marketing in customer-facing digital product development, well behind executives (58%) and operations (54%), and even trailing finance (30%) and IT (29%).  You’ll be happier to hear that improved customer experience is the most common benefit expected from digital product projects (47%), trailed by data security (42%), return on tech investments (41%), and highest profitability (38%).

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SaaS Companies Grew Revenue per Employee This Year: OpenView Partners Study

November 13, 2023

This report on SaaS company benchmarks from OpenView Partners offers an intriguing snapshot into how businesses are adapting to hard times.  One impressive change is revenue per employee, which has zoomed up to 110% at median companies in different revenue classes and even more at top-performing firms.  Lots more here in product-led growth, acquisition costs, retention and expansion rates, spending and staff categories.

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Will Apple Launch A Search Engine of Its Own? GP Bullhoud Thinks So

November 13, 2023

This GP Bullhound report offers ten tech predictions for 2024, officially kicking off the 2024 prediction season.  At least six relate to AI, but they also look at the growth of the private space industry (space as in astronauts, not WeWork), anti-money laundering, and carbon accounting.  Perhaps the riskiest prediction is that Apply will launch an ad-free search engine of its own.   Thought-provoking if not light reading.

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