
38% of Consumers Have Abandoned a Brand After Bad Experience: Thunderhead Survey

And here’s another poll, this from Thunderhead, which is technically a CDP but (accurately) describes itself as a journey orchestration engine. They find that 38% of consumers have stopped buying from a brand as a result of a bad experience and 82% share their frustrations on social media. A whopping 94% said they’re frustrated by disjointed encounters. Yes, whopping.

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G2 Launches Tool to Identify Underused Software Licenses

March 29, 2019

G2 started as a software review site but now aspires to nothing less than “revolutionizing the way businesses discover, buy and manage software technology and related services.” To move in that direction, they just released G2 Track, which combines product usage data with corporate financial information to compare the software companies are using with the software they’re paying for. The goal is to identify systems that are underused or not used at all. Usage comes from Siftery, which G2 bought last December.

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