
Almost 90% of Online Retailers Don’t Take Basic Anti-Phishing Steps: 250ok Report

It goes without saying that building customer trust is essential for any company doing business online. Alas, it also often goes without doing. Email analytics vendor 250ok found that almost 90% of major online retailers don’t take basic steps to protect their customers from phishing attacks (where someone else sends an email claiming to be from the vendor to trick them into revealing personal information). Yikes!

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Two-Thirds of Advertisers Have Seen Brand Unsafe Ad Placements: GumGum Report

February 2, 2018

Yesterday’s newsletter looked at marketers who treat consumers poorly. Today, let’s look at marketers getting poor treatment from ad channels. Start with research from image analysis vendor GumGum, which found that 67% of brands have seen at least one brand-unsafe ad placement. Actual consequences are limited: 47% had seen social media criticisms but just 2.3% had lost more than $100,000 in revenue. Nevertheless, nearly half (48%) said they’d adopted a technology to avoid these problems in the past year, bringing the total using such technology to 86%.

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