
CDPI Newsletter

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Other Random Stuff: Mintent, AdLingo, inMobi

October 18, 2018
It’s hard to know what else you’ll like, so I’ll give you some options. Marketing ops: Mintent has bought gShift, which gives marketers a combination of content creation (Mintent) and content performance measurement (gShift). Conversational marketing: AdLingo has launched to provide conversational interfaces inside Web display ads. Customer data: mobile app developer inMobi has bought mobile user data and advertising platform Pinsight from Sprint. Note that I didn’t even bother with privacy.
CDPI Newsletter

ScentAir Delivers Scent Marketing Management Platform

October 16, 2018
We’ve been trying to find an Intern for our Department of Irony but no one takes the ad seriously. This means our regular staff had to cover this apparently-real report that ScentAir, which sprays mood-setting aromas around stores, theaters, hotels, and other places, has upped its game by creating a “cloud-based scent marketing management platform.” Sadly, our regular writers aren’t witty enough to say something clever about this.
CDPI Newsletter

ironSource Lets Mobile App Publishers Measure Ad Revenue from Individual Users

October 15, 2018
Few ideas generate more talk and less action than consumers selling access to their own data. One question is how many people are important enough to advertisers for their data to be in high demand. Mobile ad network ironSource may answer this with a new feature that lets app developers measure the ad revenue generated by individual users. The idea is to help app owners identify their most valuable users and find more like them.
CDPI Newsletter

Qordoba Raises $11.5 Million Series B to Assess Brand Content

October 12, 2018
AI might not yet be replacing copywriters, but it’s ready to replace annoying bosses who second-guess what copywriters produce. That seems to be the function of Qordoba, which “helps copywriters stay on-brand and on-message across user personas” by measuring emotion, brand adherence, language style, and tone in content. They just raised a $11.5 million Series B. Presumably Qordoba could evaluate Persado outputs but if that’s your idea of fun, you need to get out more.
CDPI Newsletter