
CDPI Newsletter

Categories : CDPI Newsletter

Retail Sales Shifting to Direct Brands: IAB Study

February 14, 2018
That Winterberry report was a relatively long 35 pages, but it’s a greeting card compared with the 177 page behemoth the IAB just published on the 21st Century Brand Economy. Their central point is that brands will interact directly with consumers, removing many barriers that formerly protected market leaders from competition. IAB supports, or maybe undercuts, its argument by noting that non-store sales grew from under 4% of retail in 1992 to 9.4% in 2015. Success will require direct marketing skills, trust-building, smarter ad buys, and lots of data.
CDPI Newsletter

Thrive Plans Blockchain-Based Ad Marketplace with Direct Payments to Viewers

February 12, 2018
Even the minority of people who care about privacy are usually willing to sell access to their data. Blockchain could facilitate this with low-overhead payments and automated execution. Malta-headquartered Thrive is working along those lines on a decentralized ad marketplace with payments made through private tokens. Pesky government regulators at the SEC won’t let U.S. citizens participate. You may recall we’ve covered somewhat similar offerings from Dabbl and IOTA.
CDPI Newsletter

Selligent Relaunches as Marketing Cloud and CDP

February 9, 2018
I’m still not convinced that minor news about major vendors is the best use of this newsletter. But you seem to like it, Dear Reader. So here’s more. We’ll start with B2C marketing automation vendor Selligent repositioning itself as a marketing cloud including a Customer Data Platform. Data management capabilities do seem to meet CDP standards, including a highly customizable data structure and connectors for a wide variety of source and execution systems. We’re gonna need a bigger bandwagon.
CDPI Newsletter

Adobe Uses AI to Tailor Marketing Content to Individuals

February 9, 2018
Adobe’s latest announcement involves tighter integration among their content creation and marketing systems, which is boring unless you happen to use them. More intriguing was news that their Sensei artificial intelligence system can now automatically tailor content to individual preferences and specific devices. Their example is an online restaurant menu that only shows vegan food to vegans. This is where Adobe’s combination of creative and marketing systems really gets powerful.
CDPI Newsletter